Flutter Projects for Beginners
If you’re just getting started with Flutter, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. There are so many different things to learn, and it can be hard to know where to start.
That’s why we’ve put together this list of 8 Flutter projects for beginners. These projects will help you get comfortable with the basics of Flutter and will give you a good foundation for building more complex applications in the future.

To-do lists are a common way to keep track of tasks, both big and small. They can be used for personal productivity or for managing team projects. A to-do list Flutter project is a great way to learn how to use basic widgets, building layouts, and handle user input.
This project will teach you how to use basic widgets, how to build layouts, and how to handle user input. It has a list and single entry CRUD.
This project will also teach you how to use basic routing and navigation in Flutter, as well as how to pass data between screens. This is a fairly simple project, but it will give you a good understanding of the basics of routing and navigation in Flutter.
Weather App
A weather app is a great way to learn how to use the http package to make network requests. You will also learn how to parse JSON data. You also need GPS to get the current position of user for local weather data. By the end of this project, you will have a beautiful weather app that you can use to check the weather in your area.
The first thing you need to do is sign up for a free API key from a Weather API service like OpenWeatherMap.org. Once you have your key, you can start making network requests to their API to get the data you need for your app. You will need to make a GET request to their API endpoint, which will return a JSON object. You can then use the JSON.parse() method to parse the data and access it in your program.
To get the user’s current location, you will need to use a geolocation package for location API. This API allows you to get the user’s current latitude and longitude, which you can then use to query the OpenWeatherMap API for local weather data. With these tools, you can build a fully-functional weather app that provides up-to-date information on the weather in your area.
A calculator is a great project for getting started with Flutter’s animation, basic form widgets, and math capabilities. By the end of this project, you will have a fully functional calculator that you can use to perform basic math operations.
Basic user input in Flutter is handled by the TextField widget. This widget provides a way for the user to enter text into your app. You can use the TextFieldController to get notified whenever the user types something into the text field.
To perform the actual calculations, you will need to use basic math operators. addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), and division (/). Flutter also provides a handy numerical parsing method.
Once you have the user input and the math operations sorted out, you can start building the UI for your calculator. You can use the Column and Row widgets to lay out the different parts of your calculator. You can use the GestureDetector widget to detect when the user taps on a button or just use the default onPressed event of a button. When a button is tapped, you can use the setState() method to update the UI and perform the calculation.
You can also use Flutter’s animation capabilities to make your calculator more visually appealing. When a button is tapped, you can animate the buttons to move to the center of the screen and then back to their original position. This will give your app a more polished look and feel.
Quiz App
A quiz app consists of a series of questions that the user must answer. Each question has multiple choice answers. The user must select the correct answer to continue to the next question. A quiz app is a great way to learn about using stateful widgets. In this project, you will create a quiz app that allows users to answer questions and see their results.
This project will teach you how to use stateful widgets, how to manage state, and how to handle user input. You will also learn how to use an animation controller to add transitions between questions. With this project, you’ll have a valuable tool in your arsenal for creating engaging applications with rich user experiences.
To manage the state of the quiz, you will need to use a StatefulWidget. This widget allows you to manage the state of your application and update the UI accordingly. Or you can use state management to control data within the whole application instead of just a specific widget.
A Movie Database App
A movie database app is a great way to learn how to use an API to fetch data from the internet. In this project, you will use the TMDB API to fetch information about movies and TV shows. This project will teach you how to use an API, how to parse JSON data, and how to use the Material Design library.
The app will have a simple interface that allows you to search for movies and TV shows by title. You can then view information about each result, including the release date, runtime, overview, and poster. The app will also keep a record of your recent searches. This project is perfect for anyone who wants to learn more about using APIs in a Flutter app.
Tic Tac Toe Game
Developing a game in Flutter is a bit of challenge but can be really rewarding. The tic tac toe app is a great project for beginners, as it covers all the basics of working with widgets and state management. Not only will you solidify your understanding of the Flutter framework, but you’ll also have a lot of fun along the way.
In this project, you will create a simple tic tac toe game that allows two players to play against each other. The game will keep track of the score and declare a winner when one player has three in a row. This project will teach you how to use stateful widgets, how to manage state, and how to use game logic.
E-commerce App
An eCommerce app is a type of app that allows users to purchase goods and services online. The app typically has a catalog of products that the user can browse and purchase. eCommerce apps often use a payment gateway to process payments from the user.
An e-commerce app is a great way to learn how to use Firebase for user authentication and database storage. In this project, you will use Firebase to create an eCommerce app that allows users to log in, add items to their cart, and checkout.
Tik Tok Clone
Tik Tok is a popular social media app that allows users to watch and share short videos. The app has been downloaded more than 2 billion times and is used by people of all ages. If you’re looking to learn how to work with video and streaming, a Tik Tok clone is a great project.
In this project, you will create a Tik Tok clone that allows users to watch short videos. It will teach you how to use the media playback library, how to allow users to stream videos, and how to create a complex UI.
To construct your own TikTok clone, you must be knowledgeable about Firebase, Firestore, and state management packages like Provider and Riverpod. MVC architecture will be necessary to implement the project.
- Firebase is a backend platform for building web and mobile applications. It provides a real-time database and cloud storage.
- Firestore is a NoSQL document-oriented database. It is used to store data in a flexible, schema-less way.
- The State Management tool is used to manage the state of the application. It is responsible for keeping track of the current state of the application and its data.
- MVC stands for Model View Controller. It is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. It separates the concerns of the application into three parts: the model, which represents the data; the view, which represents how the user interacts with the data; and the controller, which handles user input and updates the model accordingly.