Dialog Packages

A Dialog is a class that is intended to be subclassed by other classes. It’s often used to display messages on the page, or make choices available to the user. Flutter has a few built-in dialogs, but there are times when you need to build your own or use an existing package.


Adaptively display the alert dialog or modal action sheet based on the platform.


A widget for displaying a date/time form field with a date or clock conversation.


Set the following style in your custom dialog: Native built-in style with a blurry background, animated pop-up, and a ProgressDialog.


A gorgeous and customizable Star Rating Dialog package for Flutter


This progress dialog package may be customized to suit your needs. It includes a customizable progress window, which can show the current value and an indication of how much work remains when the user starts an action.


A new Flutter dialog with a variety of beautiful animations, including slide fade rotate size scale rotate3D.


An elegant Flutter Dialog solution, Make the usage of the dialog box more simple!


This is a Flutter package that shows animated alert dialogs such as success, error, warning, confirm, or even a loading dialog.