Router and Navigation Packages


Fluro is a Flutter routing library that provides custom routing capabilities such as wildcards, named parameters, and clear route definitions.


The Router and Navigator’s Pages API, aka “Navigator 2.0,” enables you to traverse guarded page stacks and URLs via the Router and Navigator.


Supports URL parameters, nested routers, and router constructions generated from source annotations in addition to the shelf web-framework’s convenient request router.


Navigator 2.0 is a simple-to-use router for the web, mobile, and desktop. URL-based navigation, easy tab and nested route handling.


A package that helps you plan your project’s routes. Nested routes are possible. It is possible to navigate between pages without context.


No boilerplate. No code generation. There are no classes in this method. It’s just yeet!


A navigation package that makes using and routing on all platforms simple. It is based on Navigator 2.